1. With the big help of steve jackson, we got our spinkler system put in. (Thanks uncle steve) We love ya. Oh and a big shout to Yvette (she makes some dang good breakfast patatos. MMMMMM.
2. We put in our sod. You can't see in this picture, but it is now there.
3. WE are now working on finishing the dog run. WE are getting a new dog. Well, he's five, and he's my lil bro's dog. But he's new to us... Thanks Bob, Logan can hardly wait.
Below are a few more pics of our bottom floor. When we finally get the bedroom decorated like we want them, then I will post some more pictues....
So there it is. It has been such a great blessing, I still can't believe that it gets to by ours. I even have loved all the projects that have come with it. and more fun to come....