Monday, February 15, 2010

Pittard's unfortunate events

Logan Skiing at Bogus Basin. ... Story below
Logan's Broken and swollen thumb.... Story Below

Well Jon had a four day weekend so we decided to go to Boise to see our family's and to take the kids skiing at Bogus. This was a much anticipated trip, especially by our little four year old who loves visiting his grandma's and papa's. The weekend finally arrived and just hours before we were to leave I started getting this feeling in my gut that we shouldn't go. So naturally I went to Jon's office to try to talk him out of it. We ended up going up anyway because we wanted to see Jon's bro before he moved to Arizona. Right off the bat the weekend started going bad. My brother couldn't be there, my sister had plans, we spent most of our day friday at a baby shower, which was fun, but a lot of work. Then Saturday came, Bogus time. We put everything in the car (or so we thought) and headed up the mountain. The mood just started off terrible anyway for some reason, but it got even worst when we finally got up the mountain and realized that we had forgotten all of our snow gear at my parents house. We almost just left, but somehow managed to get just enough gear out of Brenda and Bruce's van to be able to stay. So finally we get on the mountain, take a couple runs and realize that the kiddo's are hungry. This is where the weekend hit an all time low. On our way up the grated stair to get to the lodge, Logan slipped on the stairs and Jonathan stepped on his thumb with his ski boot and broke it in three different places. Jon of course feels terrible, but it was such a freak accident and happened so fast that there was nothing he could have done to prevent it. It broke all the way down the length of the bone and crushed the knuckle into pieces. So now Logan needs surgery and we decided to do it in Boise with a much recommended hand surgeon. We are home safe now, but will be returning to Boise next weekend to get the surgery. Wish Logan Luck, he has been such a brave kiddo. Anyway, we have gained something from these experiences and that is not to sweat the small stuff. The only important things are the safety and health our family, our children, and friends. Things like forgotten bags and bad timing with family are just unfortunate events not to get worked up about. Well, we will post how the surgery went, please say prayers for our little man.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Husbands at Church!

Today was the first day that I have ever gone to church without an adult family member, it was just me and the kiddo's. Jon had to work because the other provider in his office wanted to watch the super bowl (which I get), but now we are spending our Sunday daddy-less. I have to admit, I don't love going to church without Jon, but something good came out of this situation, and that was the realization that not only does Jon help me so much with the kids, but I just love getting to sit with him in sacrament and Sunday school. When he is with me, I only end up spending half of sacrament in the hall, and during class he always cracks little jokes that give me the giggles ( which originally I thought was emberassing) but it has become quite the game to see if I can actually hold it in and not make a scene. Also, I wish he were here taking a Sunday nap with me, he's so snuggly. Well actually he hates it when I snuggle, my body temp is like a warewolf, but he lets me do it anyway because he knows how much I like it. Well, here's a cheers to my amazing husband, without him my world would be a little less comfortable and a lot less fun.